Name of Artifact: Survey for needs assessment concerning the school band budget.
Date of Artifact: June 20th, 2022 Course #: EAD 510 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: Candidates understand and can collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.1). Aligning expenditure to needs must be the vision and goal of each administrative leader. Analyzing current costs and income against needs, then reallocating to meet changes in process, procedure or goals is part of this process. Removing ineffective systems and replacing them with more effective, cost efficient systems for the betterment of the student, stakeholder and community is the optimum goal of ELCC 4. The artifact displays a survey to determine what systems are working and not working within the band department and what is perceived as unmet needs in order to be a stellar department. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. |
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Name of Artifact: Survey for needs assessment with stakeholders.
Date of Artifact: June 20th, 2022 Course #: EAD 510 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.4). The article presented is a survey to be administered to staff, students and stakeholders to determine what is considered to be currently adequately addressed/funded and what still needs to be addressed. From this survey more detailed data may be gleaned in the needs assessment process. Effective administrators and leaders will actively pursue input from all concerned parties about facilities, relationships, and perceptions. This is in keeping not only with ELCC 4.4, but following the ancient African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. |
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Name of Artifact: Publicized Flyer for 6th Grade Orientation
Date of Artifact: 2 August, 2022 Course #: EAD 519 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: Candidates understand and can collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.1). Early and consistent communication and collaboration with stakeholders is vital to a schools educational environment. ELCC 4.1 understands the importance of stakeholder participation and support in all educational endeavors. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. |
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Name of Artifact: Publicized Flyer for Local Library Field Trip
Date of Artifact: 12 September, 2022 Course #: EAD 513 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.3). Consistent contact between community stakeholders and entities whose mission and vision both involve the educational betterment of the student body is an excellent way to incorporate ELCC 4.3 into the culture and commitment of the school. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. Name of Artifact: Student Council Shirt Design
Date of Artifact: 28 January, 2023 Course #: EAD 529 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale ELCC 4.3: Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers. (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 2.3). The Student Council is a vital bridge between the school and stakeholders in the community. The student Council teaches leadership to the participants as well as forms connections with parents and community members through school dances, fundraisers, and sporting events. ELCC 4.3 dictates responding to community interests and needs. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. |
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Name of Artifact: Publicized Spring Dance
Date of Artifact: 30 April, 2023 Course #: EAD 519 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: ELCC 4.2: Candidates understand and can use community resources by promoting the use of diverse cultural and social resources within the school community (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.2). School dances are the quintessential method for building bonds between students as well as parental involvement in refreshments and volunteerism. ELCC 4.2 underscores the social element of a school family. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. |
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Name of Artifact: Photo of school donation to local animal shelter
Date of Artifact: 30 April, 2023
Course #: EAD 519
ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.4). This photo appeared in the local newspaper, building a positive image of the school as well as teaching the students responsibility for community projects. Of course, the local animal shelter also benefitted through the $350.00 donation raised through student council fund raisers. ELCC 4.4 underscores the social responsibility element of a school.
National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level.
Date of Artifact: 30 April, 2023
Course #: EAD 519
ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining productive school relationships with community partners (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.4). This photo appeared in the local newspaper, building a positive image of the school as well as teaching the students responsibility for community projects. Of course, the local animal shelter also benefitted through the $350.00 donation raised through student council fund raisers. ELCC 4.4 underscores the social responsibility element of a school.
National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level.
Name of Artifact: Rest in Peace Plaque for School Staff Member.
Date of Artifact: June 12th, 2023 Course #: EAD 533 ELCC Standard Alignment Rationale: Candidates understand and can respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers (NPBEA, 2011, ELCC 4.3). Addressing personal losses as a community is vital to building and maintaining superior community relationships. Our school celebrates Day of the Dead celebrations, which is tied closely to the Mexican heritage of 70% of the staff and student population. When a staff member passes away, a Plaque was paid for and donated by the student council and placed ion the school as a commemorative of the staff member. The plaque was placed in the local paper and the plaque is a permanent testimony of the school dedication to ELCC Standard 4.3. National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA). (2011). Educational Leadership Program Recognition Standards: Building Level. |
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